
Persamaan transistor npn
Persamaan transistor npn

2038-PCP E : Emitter C : Collector B : Base SANYO : PCP Specifications Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25° C Parameter Collector-to-Base Voltage Collector-to-Emitter Voltage, mA mW mW ° C ° C Electrical Characteristics at Ta=25° C Parameter Symbol Collector Cutoff, classified by 20mA hFE as follows : 40 C 80 60 D 120 100 E 200 Making : CD hFEĮN3927 2SC4673 2038-PCP 2SC4673] 250mm2 cd 5411 ic TRANSISTOR C 3619 uhf amp circuit diagrams 2SC4673 ic 2764 B 773 transistor c 3927 transistor c 3927 EN3927 2038pĪbstract: 2SC3778 2SC4673 TRANSISTOR C 3619 Text: Ordering number : EN3927 NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor 2SC4673 UHF Low-Noise Amp, =4.5GHz typ. ' c gp 1 Zj yl operation V MHz W W mA dB % Sì mS c.w. POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor intended for transmitting applications in class-A, B or C with a supply voltage up to 28 V, The transistor is resistance stabilized and is, of VCE f ps pl. performance up to T^ = 2 5 Â☌ in an unneutralized, ,0 2,5 • c mA typ. POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor intended for transmitting applications in class-A, B or C with a supply voltage up to 28 V, The transistor is resistance, L R E S IS T A N C E 902 June 1976 3612 F-Q4 U.H.F. NE23383B NE23383B transistor k 4212 fet gd 361 transistor DRAIN TO, AVAILABLE GAIN, FORWARD INSERTION GAIN vs. UNIT Igso 0.5, = 4 GHz NEC NE23383B TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T a = 2 5 ° C ) DRAIN CURRENT vs. MAX, ° C ) PARAMETER SYMBOL Gâte to Source Leak Current TYP. (T a Source Drain Source Gate = 25° C ) TYP. Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET_ \F | f / HETERO JUNCTION FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR, CONDITION CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOL MIN. reflective tape (10 sheets) surface speed wheels ( 1 /10 m/min. Temperature Range: AC models — – 65☏ to +154☏ (≡8° C to +68° C ) System Includes: Hand tachometer in-contact adapter rubber tips (3 pcs.) DC models — – 40☏ to + 185☏ (≤0° C to +85° C ).

Persamaan transistor npn