So below if you downloaded a file with the name oscam 1.20 just alter the "oscam-experimental" to oscam 1.20 on the script below, make sure you go through all the lines that have this name and alter it to oscam 1.20, same goes with CCam 2.3.0, alter it to whatever name is on the cam file you downloaded. You can replace it with any oscam that works for whatever your system is, just make sure that the names on the files are "oscam-experimental" or alter it to this name or the other way around. CCcam_2.3.0 is exactly that and "oscam-experimental" is the experimental version which is downloadable from the download menu on the pli image on the reciever. I've named the file this and make sure you chmod 755: CCcam_2.3.0_oscam-experimental_cam.sh This one works, at least it does on my vuduo. I tired it, tried to modify, but does not work. Killall oscam1.20-cccam2.1.3 > /tmp/CCcam.kill Maybe you have to edit the Script to make it work on your Image. This is a Startscript from CuBiC Image Feed.